Diseases and Conditions


Risk factors

Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night. But your risk of insomnia is greater if:

  • You're a woman. Hormonal shifts during the menstrual cycle and in menopause may play a role. During menopause, night sweats and hot flashes often disrupt sleep. Insomnia is also common with pregnancy.
  • You're over age 60. Because of changes in sleep patterns and health, insomnia increases with age.
  • You have a mental health disorder or physical health condition. Many issues that impact your mental or physical health can disrupt sleep.
  • You're under a lot of stress. Stressful times and events can cause temporary insomnia. And major or long-lasting stress can lead to chronic insomnia.
  • You don't have a regular schedule. For example, changing shifts at work or traveling can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.